Version Date: 2018-07-11
I. Overview
Cornell Delta Phi Association is committed to compliance by its undergraduate chapter with Cornell’s Campus Code of Conduct and Cornell’s Fraternity and Sorority Expectations for Membership. These Cornell policies set reasonable standards consistent with contemporary social norms as they apply to university environments. This policy incorporates by reference the above Cornell policies in addition to the following:
- Hazing will not be tolerated by or of any members, potential members, or new members. Any undergraduate member gaining knowledge of an actual or potential hazing violation involving a member of the chapter must immediately report the violation to the Board of Trustees (see Reporting Violations below).
- Every undergraduate member and trustee must review and agree to abide by this policy and Cornell’s above-referenced policies by electronic acknowledgement (see Acknowledgement of this Policy, below).
II. Reporting Violations
As noted above, this policy requires that any member becoming aware of actual or potential hazing at Delta Phi report it to Cornell Delta Phi Association’s Board of Trustees, which will review alleged hazing violations and take corrective actions, up to and including expulsion of implicated members. The identity of any reporting individual will be maintained in confidence by the Board.
Reports can be made by directly contacting any of the trustee officers or anonymously through our online report form.
Members are also encouraged to report violations of any of Cornell’s policies directly through Cornell’s public reporting channels, which can be readily found using a web search such as “Cornell report violations”.
III. Cornell’s Campus Code of Conduct — Guidance
The Cornell Campus Code of Conduct is a lengthy document, but the relevant portion, for the purposes of this policy, lies within the section: Title Three, Article II. Violations (page 16 in the version dated January 23, 2017). This section sets out certain prohibited activities, three of which are excerpted below.
1a. To (1) rape, (2) sexually assault, or (3) sexually abuse another person.
1f. To haze another person, regardless of the person’s consent to participate. Hazing means an act that, as an explicit or implicit condition for initiation to, admission into, affiliation with, or continued membership in a group or organization, (1) could be seen by a reasonable person as endangering the physical health of an individual or as causing mental distress to an individual through, for example, humiliating, intimidating, or demeaning treatment, (2) destroys or removes public or private property, (3) involves the consumption of alcohol or drugs or the consumption of other substances to excess, or (4) violates any university policy.
NOTE: Cornell has a website dedicated to hazing, which we encourage the reader to review.
3b. To unlawfully manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess, use, or sell alcohol. This includes, for example, providing alcohol to an individual who is under the age of 21, selling alcohol without a license, consuming alcohol while under the age of 21, or possessing alcohol with the intent to consume it while under the age of 21.
IV. Acknowledgement of this Policy
Each member and trustee of Cornell Delta Phi Association is required to acknowledge this policy by completing the form below. The acknowledgement will be recorded in the Association’s official records, and an e-mail confirmation of the acknowledgement will be automatically generated and returned to the submitter.
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